
Pregnant women are the most caring women in the world. Women have double responsibilities when they are pregnant - take good care of themselves and their babies. Also because of the special reasons for the body, so pregnant women are always careless.

Women usually stop menstruating during pregnancy, but they still go on. Many pregnant mothers find themselves pregnant when the leucorrhea becomes more, how exactly is this going on? Let's get together.

Early pregnancy leucorrhea abnormal reasons and methods

Causes and measures of abnormal vaginal discharge in early pregnancy

First, early pregnancy leucorrhea abnormal how is it?

(1) increasing leucorrhea is a normal phenomenon

A female friend after pregnancy, hormonal changes, such as progesterone and estrogen levels than in the past has been greatly improved, which leads to the cervical mucus become more, so many pregnant women friends will find that in the early stages of pregnancy, leucorrhea quantity.

(two) leucorrhea Brown: need attention

1. maternal factors

May be caused by inflammation, such inflammation of vaginitis, cervical erosion, but also may be caused by cervical polyps, endometrial lesions, tumors and other diseases. Expectant mother appears brown leucorrhea, need to be vigilant, very easy to be ectopic pregnancy and abortion symptoms.

2. fetal factors

(1) may be a sign of abortion, need to pay attention to, the timely discovery and in hospital after miscarriage treatment after pregnancy.

(2) ectopic pregnancy, mostly in menopause forty days or so, at this time the leucorrhea is brown, vaginal bleeding, and more accompanied by abdominal pain, appear this kind of situation, must pay attention to timely medical treatment.

(3) hydatidiform mole, more than three months pregnant, vaginal discharge at this time is brown, vaginal bleeding, accompanied by abdominal pain.

(three) leucorrhea yellow: infection caused by reproductive system

1. bacterial vaginosis

This kind of inflammation may cause female vaginal secretions increase, the texture is very thin, the color is pale yellow or creamy yellow, very unpleasant fishy smell, vaginal burning sensation and itching sensation.

2. fungal vaginitis

This kind of inflammation can make women's leucorrhea white or yellow, the texture is more viscous, the most obvious symptom is female leucorrhea is bean curd shape or milk curd shape.

Causes and measures of abnormal vaginal discharge in early pregnancy

Causes and measures of abnormal vaginal discharge in early pregnancy

3. trichomonas vaginitis

This kind of inflammation can make female leucorrhea become dilute pus, yellow color, there will be foam, and sometimes leucorrhea will be gray, with a clear odor, if not treated in time, there will be itching symptoms of vulva appear.

(four) the leucorrhea is bloodshot

1. physiological reasons

More than fertilized eggs implanted due to bleeding, because of estrogen and progesterone deficiency, women's endometrium will continue to move because of the ovary and fall off, and then appear bleeding phenomenon. Fertilized egg implantation will have bleeding, is a normal phenomenon, if the amount of bleeding is not much, and did not feel very uncomfortable, expectant mother should not worry too much.

2. pathological reasons

Cervicitis lesions lead to reproductive system bleeding, and then lead to leucorrhea blood, in this case, expectant mothers must pay attention to timely treatment, so as to avoid the baby problems. Cervicitis lesions are mostly due to improper sexual life, excessive frequency, lack of attention to maintenance during menstruation, excessive number of production and excessive number of abortions.

Two, pregnancy leucorrhea abnormal how to do?

The first step: self judgment.

Found abnormal leucorrhea, expectant mother do not panic, first of all to judge. Pregnancy leucorrhea is normal, normal leucorrhea: no smell, color and light, relatively thin texture, and filament. If the leucorrhea is other color or has the peculiar smell, then needs to pay attention, at this time the leucorrhea appears unusual.

The second step: timely medical treatment.

After making a decision, you need timely medical treatment, treatment, expectant mothers appear leucorrhea abnormalities, there are many reasons, the need for timely diagnosis, incentives for inflammation, will have a greater impact on the fetus in vivo.


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